Amazing of Islamic Boarding School

According to the KKBI, The islamic boarding school is a place for students to learn holy qur’an. The students live in dormitory. The learn holy qur’an and classic books purposely to acquire islamic theology. So, they apply knowledge intheir lives. The islamic boarding school has two criteria. They are salafy islamic boarding school and modern islamic boarding school.
The salafy islamic boarding school learn classic books without given general knowledge and applied sorogan method. The exsample of salafy islamic boarding is Darul Ta’lim salafy islamic boarding school in Bangsri, Jepara, Central Java. And then tehe Modern islamic boarding school is learn using classic books, given general knowledge and some skills. There, we can find schools which learn knowledge and islamic knowledge. The schools in the islamic boarding school have specials quality equivalent to other schools. They have double knowledges, general knowledge and islamic knowledge. The example of modern islamic boarding school is tebuireng islamic boarding shcool in Jombang, East Java.
The development of the islamic boarding school equals with the developmet of era and tecnology. Its develop at fully speed in its existensi and almost all town in Indonesia. The most of people have perspective about the islamic boarding school, just like dirty place, primitive, the terrorist, lazy students, thought ancient students, and etc. Those perspectives are false. It has an important role in forming national generation who have noble morals and obodience to Allah. So, this country become advance, develop, and peacful society.
The muslim can develop islam by learning religious in the general schools, TPQ, Madrasah and etc.The graduate from islamic boarding school, muslim competitive price with non muslim. So, they aren’t the last of people in the word. But they are the first of people in the word.


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